my time at lanetwelve has been nothing short of amazing. it is my first step growing in the industry of digital marketing stream and i must say it has been a roller coaster ride! a year down the road & […]
my time at lanetwelve has been nothing short of amazing. it is my first step growing in the industry of digital marketing stream and i must say it has been a roller coaster ride! a year down the road & […]
lanetwelve has been the perfect place for me to groom my skills and polish them to perfection; to the point that today i can proudly call myself a thorough professional. here, i am surrounded by wonderful people who are willing […]
lanetwelve is a not a company but a gathering of seasoned professionals and graduates who work together and learn from each other everyday. unlike any other company, lanetwelve is a company that takes pride in teaching values to all those […]
in the short of time that i have been here, lanetwelve has been very kind to me. from my colleagues to the craziness that engulfs us everyday, it has been nothing but breath taking. i look forward to working with […]
it’s the lane of enlightenment, lane of the maddest experiences possible and the lane where lunch hours every day become a festival. lane 12 is not an ordinary agency; it is an experience that can literally change you. i have […]
when i was asked to write my experience at lanetwelve i literally had no words because my journey has been so amazing. lanetwelve is my second home & being here is one of the best feelings i have. sharing smiles, […]
i love coming to work every day because each day is a fresh beginning – i get to learn lots of new things. lanetwelve, in the short time i have been here, has taught me more about myself than i knew. […]
“choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – confucius. “choose a company that loves you, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” me. my time […]
as an intern, my experience at lanetwelve was amazing. i got to learn a lot not only with respect to core digital media but also about how to work under pressure, meet deadlines, give 100% output, coordinate with all team […]
sooner or later the world will turn into a digital world! are we ready for it? at least i am…. lanetwelve is the best platform to learn all the secrets to become the guru of digital media. every day, i […]
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